British Values

Here at Phoenix Kindergarten we are keen to include and incorporate British Values in our daily curriculum.  We feel that the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs, are already implicitly embedded in the curriculum of our Early Years Foundation Stage, as well as in the work of what we do on a day to day basis.  

Acceptance and promotion of these values are connected with our safeguarding policy.  We are fortunate that Steiner Waldorf kindergartens attract families from all walks of life. They provide a warm and unhurried learning environment where children have the opportunity to explore the world around them and learn how to interact with their peers, how to listen and how to express themselves. It provides the opportunity for natural scientific research, awe, wonder and exploration. Gratitude for the natural world, its gifts and bounty, respect for each other, ourselves, and the environment is learned through imitation of the adults around them.  Here are examples of how the British values are embedded in our curriculum


We are hoping to build a small but strong community at Phoenix Kindergarten (this includes our kindergarten and parent and child families) which helps the children to understand their place in the bigger picture.  We model this within the staff and committee where mutual respect and support for each other are of central importance. At our team meetings, we can speak and share our opinions in a safe and supportive space.  We support the children carefully and thoughtfully in their dealings with each other, aiming to help them to listen, empathise and understand each other, using stories, songs and through playing with each other.  During game time, the children learn to take turns and how to make it fair so that everyone gets a chance to be “it”, supported by the teachers or at lunch time, we take turn to hear what each other has to share. During play time the themes of household, pirates and superheroes are played out and discussed.  Gender equality is promoted through the toys available, the play facilitated by staff in the kindergarten, the stories told and equal distribution of roles and jobs among the staff and committee.  We are all aware and conscious of the language, words, and messages we relay when speaking to the children. Parents will be offered times where they can be heard, and we always encourage open and honest communication.

Rule of law

We support the children to understand the behaviour expected of them at Phoenix Kindergarten by modelling this behaviour to the children and by the consistent and nurturing support given to each child throughout the day. For example, in Kindergarten children are reminded that we use our “gentle hands” if they are struggling with having “too busy hands”.  The Steiner pedagogy places great importance on the role imitation plays within the class setting.  Staff and the committee members always aim for our behaviour to be worthy of imitation, offering the children examples of appropriate and acceptable behaviour. Keeping in mind each child’s need, we offer clear boundaries for behaviour with fair consequences rather than punishment. We also encourage the children to understand how they can “put right” a situation when they are struggling with a boundary.  Through stories the kindergarten teacher shows the children the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, justice and redemption, the golden rule. For example, learning to walk together safely, following the rules.

Individual liberty 

Our aim of our work is to lay the foundations for seeing the good in humanity, for a compassionate and tolerant outlook on life and for a strong sense of social responsibility. We help the children develop a positive sense of themselves, develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities, enabling them to be responsible for themselves in later years. This develops from building relationships with each child, and the children being able to  trust us and feel comfortable sharing their news and telling staff what they need. They also know they will be listened to and their opinions and individual desires given weight and fair consideration. Within the daily rhythm the children have the freedom to choose their activities, play, and to say “no”, which is accepted as a valid opinion. We support and encourage each child to build relationships with other children and to resolve conflicts between themselves in a positive manner.  

Mutual respect and tolerance

Mutual respect and tolerance are fundamental to our belief system. We aim to celebrate the different cultures in our community by planning and sharing festivals together. Festivals give us all valuable glimpses into other cultures through sharing traditions, stories, and songs. We care for the environment around us by involving the children in cleaning the kindergarten and tidying away. We also have a range of books geared towards diversity.